Accessing your Akashic Records

What are Akashic Records?

The Akashic Records is like the Library of Congress at the Universal Level. It is the ultimate filing system that contains every soul’s past, present, and future possibilities. It is not a physical place, but rather an ethereal collection containing the vibrational records of every soul’s journey.

Everything that occurs in this dimension is recorded in these records. This is where your support team — your teachers, guides and loved ones in spirit — are available to answer your questions and provide wisdom and support, both in words and in energy.

The Akashic Records are governed by three absolutes: judge not, resist not, and fear not. When these work together, it creates a safe, understanding, loving and compassionate energy. By accessing the Akashic Records, you can get information about any area of your life you would like — health, work, money, relationships and more.

What can learning about your Akashic Records help with?

  • Getting to the origins of problematic patterns
  • Examining limiting patterns
  • Exploring our heart’s desires
  • Better understanding our relationships with ourselves and families of origin
  • Looking at our motivation, the choices we’ve made over time

How do we access our records? Through prayer, intuition, meditation, and the “Pathway Process”, some may receive brief glimpses.

Want to learn how to access your own Akashic Records? Book a session with me now!

I also occasionally hold group online Akashic Records sessions – sign up for my next class (if available) below!