Angelic Reiki© Trainings

What is Angelic Reiki©?

Angelic Reiki is not like Traditional Usui Reiki; in the words of its founder Christine Core, “All spiritual teachings and energies areuniversally available to everyone, but through guidance from the Master Djwhal Khul and Archangel Metatrom, plus their great knowledge of spiritual principles and ancient teachings, Kevin and Christine Core wove together a unique and profound system of healing. This system has been named Angelic Reiki.”

The purpose of this course is to restore the original divine vibration of the Reiki symbols that were lost when humans disconnected from source.

The Angelic Reiki© attunements can only be gifted to us by the Angelic Kingdom of Light which will bring a restoration of this clear, pure energy to everyone.

The symbols in these workshops are given entirely through the Angelic vibration. Healing angels give the attunements and then work with you on a permanent basis taking your connection to the Angelic kingdom to a new level.

You will be given practical ‘hands on’ experience in healing methodology involving healing as a channel, healing with intention, healing with a master and Galactic Healers, and multi-dimensional healing.

Learning Angelic Reiki will support your own personal healing and spiritual journey, open up gifts and spiritual talents, and reveal your life’s purpose.

It may also help you to support family and friends or be a step on the way to share it with others as a professional healer or teacher. You may not yet know it, but your soul has awareness of why it has brought Angelic Reiki© to you. It may totally change your life.

Start your journey with Angelic Reiki now!