Clinical Hypnotherapy
What is hypnosis?
Hypnosis is a perfectly safe programming, exploratory, or relaxing technique that can benefit anyone. It is the ultimate means of heightening motivation by programming your subconscious mind to work in cooperation with your conscious desires.
You are already familiar with hypnosis, although you may not realize it. You go through these altered states of consciousness, or brain wave levels, a minimum of twice a day when you are crossing over into sleep and when you are waking up.
People generally do not understand hypnosis, and thus they are wary of it. They think of it as entertainment, magic, or some mystical form of control. In reality, meditation results in the same altered state, but it doesn’t conjure up the same negative images.
Let me explain it in this way. The brain researchers and medical practitioners have divided the brain into four levels of cycles per-second-activity.
- Beta: Full Consciousness
- Alpha: Crossing over into sleep at night, beginning to awaken in the morning, hypnosis, and meditation
- Theta: Early stages of sleep, deep meditation, and deep hypnosis
- Delta: Full sleep to deepest sleep
That’s it. There is no place else to go. Hypnosis cannot put you into any place other than these areas of cycles-per-second of brain activity. For most people hypnosis is a mid-alpha range activity, and although you are definitely in hypnosis, you remain fully conscious of everything that is going on around you. Hypnosis is a matter of setting aside the conscious mind and narrowing the attention span down to one thing, just as you do when you are beginning to go to sleep at night. It is an altered state of consciousness and a state of hyper-suggestibility. Because of this suggestibility in the alpha and theta levels, positive programming is extremely effective in helping to create positive change. Follow this link to learn about the benefits of hypnosis.
What are some uses of hypnotherapy?
- Weight Release
- Fear and Grief Management
- Retrieval of lost/blocked memories (both good and bad)
- Memory/Study Habits
- Achieving goals
- Quitting smoking
- Substance abuse
- Eating disorders
- Self-Image
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Nail Biting
- Incontinence
- Insomnia Relief
- Fear of Failure
- Relaxation
- Problem Solving
- Behavior Modification
- Sports Attainment
- Pain Management
- Stress Management ( learn more )
- Concentration
- Fear of Success
- Good Health
- Motivation
- Attitude Adjustment
- Spiritual Exploration (available upon request)
- And much more …
*Excerpted from “Clinical Hypnotherapy: A Transpersonal Approach – An Educational Guidebook” By Allen Chips, DCH, PhD
5 Facts About Hypnosis
- Hypnotic suggestion cannot make you do anything against your morals, religion, or self-preservation.
- The ego cannot be detached under hypnosis, so secrets will not come out while in a trance and you would not do anything you would not normally do if you felt relaxed about the situation.
- Anyone can be hypnotized. Once an individual overcomes apprehension, it is an easy experience, one in which the person will awaken feeling more relaxed, at ease, and at peace than before going into hypnosis.
- Most people do not recognize the state of hypnosis. They expect to become unconscious. It is more likely that you will remain aware of everything going on around you. This does not mean that you are not hypnotized; it simply means you are experiencing a hypnotic level somewhere between a light and medium trance.
- You will be instructed to remember everything that you experience in hypnosis. Remember, the subconscious programs us. It does not reason, but it does work to create a reality according to the suggestions it is fed. By being instructed to remember, you transfer the experience to the conscious mind.